Once upon a time there was a planet name lactern, on which few dragons live. One of them was Henry. When he was born he got some superpower but he don't know that he have some superpower. When he was 6 year old he fight with one dragon. He name that game boxing. When he was 12 year old he lost one boxing match and was very angry. He hit the wall with his hand and it got broken. He did not realise any pain, that time he understand that he have superpower.
In his city every week one dangerous dragon collins attack. He attacking since 28 years. Some of the people go to Henry and told all the problem. Henry said- if he will attack you again, then I will fight with him. Next week he came again for fighting but this time Henry came and said to collins that fight with me collins. If I will lose in fight, this whole city will be yours. He said- ok. On match day they both fight and Henry wins but he was injured. After few hours he also died but now no one will attack on the city. It was huge victory for the city. After that whole city celebrate a festival when he was died and also praise him.
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